When To Consider Commercial Land Surveying

Commercial land surveying offers vital documentation and information for land owners, buyers, or sellers that may be critical. Determining the boundaries of the plot, the land condition, how you can divide it, and what you can build on the property is essential. Commercial land surveying can help in all these situations, and the survey cost is typically worth it to get the needed results.

Defining Boundaries

One of the most common reasons to hire a commercial land surveying company is to redefine the countries of a piece of land and update the information on file if you are preparing to sell the land or build on it. Most surveying companies offer ALTA (American Land Title Association) compliant surveys used to create a new title for the land or clarify the edges of the property.

Any land development or subdivision requires you to know precisely where the parcel's edges are. If there is any concern or question, a new land survey is the most direct and accurate way to ensure that you are not violating the borders and spilling over onto land that orders yours.

The survey cost and time involved can vary with the plot size you need to define. If the land parcel is expansive, the survey process can take some time, but because accuracy is critical, it is better to wait a few extra days or weeks than to rush the land survey and make a mistake that could cost you money later.

Any building, developing, or dividing of the land requires a new commercial land survey to be part of the process. Doing so ensures the borders and other information are documented accurately in the public record and on the title or deed.  

Selling Your Land

Land that has been owned by one entity for many years needs a commercial land survey before selling it. Often, land that has not changed hands will not require a land survey until it does. This is especially true if there has been no development of the property. The problem arises when the land around yours has gone through changes and is affecting your boundaries or borders. 

The commercial land survey company can check the existing boundaries, document the locations for you, and update the title information so if neighboring land development is spilling over, you can correct the issue prior to any sale. In some situations, a foot or two violation over the line might not matter to you. However, if you sell the land and the new owner discovers the boundary violation, it can create issues and raise questions about inaccurate land transfers. 

The time spent updating the land survey is the best way to ensure that there are no issues that could surprise you later. If the neighbor needs the land over the boundary, it allows you to divide that section, then sell them the piece and change the parcel, eliminating that section from the pending sale.  

Contact a local commercial land surveying company for more info. 
