What Are Some Of The Best Plant Based Organic Fertilizers?

Commercial crop growers produce a huge amount of fruits and vegetables that are sold in grocery stores all over the country. Without these farmers, it would be very difficult for many people to provide their families with the necessary foods they need to stay healthy. To ensure that commercial crops thrive and flourish, it is important to know which fertilizers to use. Having the proper pH levels in the soil and adding both macronutrients and micronutrients to the soil produces much higher quality crops. These are some of the best plant-based organic fertilizers that are often used for gardening today.


Compost is made by combining leaves, twigs, and kitchen vegetable scraps and shredding them into a fine consistency that can be easily mixed with soil. Compost is rich in nutrients and improves the soil so that it is more fertile which encourages the growth of fruits and vegetables. Compost also helps retain water in the soil so that the roots of plants are still getting water even on dry sunny days.


Kelp is an ideal plant-based fertilizer because it is rich in potassium and nitrogen, which are both important nutrients for fruits and vegetables. Kelp also enriches the soil to produce more abundant crops and helps give plants a higher tolerance for extremely hot and extremely cold temperatures.

Alfalfa Meal

Alfalfa meal is made of fermented alfalfa plants that have been ground up. When used as a fertilizer, alfalfa meal improves the condition of the soil and also produces nutrients for plants to feed on. It is rich in nitrogen and also contains phosphorus and potassium. Alfalfa meal is an excellent fertilizer for both fruit and vegetable crops.

Soybean Meal

Soybean meal is also commonly used as a crop fertilizer. It has high levels of nitrogen and small amounts of potassium and phosphorus. This fertilizer works by slowly releasing the nutrients to the plants throughout the growing season. Soybean meal also helps neutralize the pH of the soil, and its long-lasting results of improving the soil condition allow longer time frames in between soil maintenance. 

Commercial crop growers use a variety of different plant-based organic fertilizers to produce high-quality fruits and vegetables. They may use kelp when there are extreme weather conditions and then add alfalfa meal into the soil to encourage strong crop growth. Some fertilizers can also be combined and added to the soil together at the same time before fruits and vegetables are planted.

For more information, contact commercial fertilizer suppliers. 
