Things You Should Know About Having A Well Drilled On Your Property

If you are considering well drilling for water on your property, there are some things that you may need to consider. A water well can provide you with the fresh water you need, but the amount of water can be different by location, so choosing the best spot for the well is essential. 

Finding Water 

Before you start the well drilling process, it is essential to look at the geology of the land you are drilling on. The local municipality will often have geological data for the area that shows the water table, underground aquifers, and rock structures that can affect the drilling process. 

If you look closely at the area under your property, you may see underground rivers or aquifers that will provide a lot of water for your well, but it is vital that you can drill through the material between the surface and the water source. Soft soil that leads to bedrock just above the water source will provide the most effortless drilling, and you can set your well casing into the bedrock for stability at the base of the well. 

You could not dig a well in material like this by yourself, but a well drilling company can set up on the spot you choose and drill down to the water with a pneumatic drilling rig. Show the survey to the drilling company and ask them about drilling in that area, or ask if they see something different on the survey that might indicate a better place for the well drilling operation. 

Deep Wells

Once you locate a place that you want to drill, you need to consider the water's depth in that area. Sometimes drilling a deep well is worth it, but the cost of drilling more than five hundred feet can start to add up fast because of the amount of casing that is required to ensure the well is stable to the bedrock. 

Often a well deeper than five hundred feet will require an extremely powerful well pump to push the water up from the bottom of the well, and pumps capable of that kind of lift are expensive. The deeper the well is, the harder it is to get the water up to the surface, so selecting an area that will provide water at three or four hundred feet may be a better option.

Water Flow

If you or the well drilling company find a spot on the property that will produce a little less water but is more accessible, you may want to use it. Most wells that produce seven to ten gallons of water a minute are considered good wells, but if you need more than that, you could drill multiple wells in different areas to get the water you need.  
